If Obama were President in 1941

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts839 Comments

Check out my latest article on IJReview. It’s a 1941 spin on Obama’s foreign policy. His agenda is rooted in liberal ideology, and, make no mistake about it, liberal ideology betrays the best interests of the American people. After you read it, share it with your friends.

Memories of Faith

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts134 Comments

Nine years and two months ago today, my mother passed away. For anyone blessed with a godly mother, you understand how hard it was to let her go. Not only did she die on the 7th, she was born on the 7th — January 7th. She would have been 65 today. She was a beautiful woman and a very spiritual … Read More

Lessons on Epiphany

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts1476 Comments

Independent Journal Review (IJR) covers a broad variety of disciplines. Today, they posted this article and tagged it as an Editor’s Choice. Many thanks to the leadership at IJR for making religion an important part of our national conversation.

Return to Innocence or Epic Fail?

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts8475 Comments

If you’re tired of the public school’s standardization of all things idiotic, and you’re sick of “diversity” being the liberal catchword of the day, then this recent article from IJ Review is for you!  No rhyme intended — I guess that’s just a subconscious effect from singing Christmas Carols for the past few weeks.

Tis the Reason

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts1581 Comments

The attached pic is a great visual complement to Eleanor Slater’s poem “December 24th.” The addressee is our Lord and Savior, but the message is for you and me. Tomorrow You are born again Who died so many times. Do You like the candle-light, Do You like the chimes? Do You stop to wonder Why men never see How very … Read More

Exposing Liberal Bias

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts1424 Comments

Here’s a recent article from IJReview that they posted a few days ago. It raises the conversation about liberal intolerance toward Christianity while simultaneously being sympathetic toward Islam. All the more reason to buck secularism and get back to promoting Christian values. No better time to do that than during Christmas!!!

Standing Up for Christmas

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts2 Comments

Standing up for Christmas – literally!!! Check out this story about a 73 year old gentleman who’s had enough. Time for America to realize that Christians don’t have to shut down their beliefs in order to respect the beliefs of others.

Have a Very Mannequin Christmas

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts1976 Comments

The other day, I figured it might be nice to ignore the attacks on Christmas and Christianity for a week or two, and focus on the victories of some Christians. Then, after the New Year, I would get back to writing about some of the issues going on at both the local and national level. However, some things are just … Read More

“Whine-stein” Does It Again

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts692 Comments

The other day, an article was sent to me about the “outrage” that was being expressed over a group of Air Force Academy cadets praying before and/or after their football games. Guess who was fanning the flames of outrage? He’s the biggest bully in America right now. If you don’t know his name, then read this piece…