The Nature of the DNC and the GOP

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts744 Comments

In my latest article with Independent Journal Review, I encourage people to look below the surface and consider the real nature of the GOP and the DNC. In the case of the DNC, their diversity is superficial as they conform to the party line. In the case of the GOP, they encourage dissent in their ranks. The GOP is a … Read More

Trumps Favorite Bible Verse

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts4966 Comments

Here’s my latest article with IJ Review. As the run for the presidency stands right now, there are two frauds running and there are two honest people running. Of the two honest people, one is a professing socialist and the other is a professing Christian. Sadly, it’s the honest ones that are losing.

How Religious are Evangelicals?

Rit VarrialeEssay Posts152 Comments

Faith doesn’t make one perfect. There’s no such thing as a perfect person. There are no perfect Christians. That’s why we need a Christ. We need a Savior. The Christian faith gives the hope of forgiveness to imperfect people. That said, how are Christians to discern when they are being used by leaders and when leaders are authentically joining them … Read More